We did it! We completed our first week of surgeries in our spay/neuter clinic and celebrated at our grand opening tonight. Grand total so far: 44 spays & neuters. Next week this number is going to go up much faster when we officially open to the public.

We had a short day of surgery today so we could be cleaned up and ready for our celebration this evening. Today was our first Feral Friday and we had 9 cats arrive in live traps for surgery so they could be returned to their colonies minus reproductive organs. We also had two adorable foster puppies who I missed getting pictures of – one was the scruffiest thing ever.

Our clinic was prettied up when the Turners, exceptionally dedicated, longtime volunteers and supporters of WHS, sent us flowers yesterday to celebrate the dream of a spay/neuter clinic becoming a reality.

Jenny busily scheduling more appointments. We are completely booked for the next two weeks already.

In preparation for the open house, staff staged the different areas of the clinic with stuffed animals to show the different steps in an animal’s day in the clinic, from initial check up to surgery recovery.

A willing volunteer from our education hall's herd of stuffed animals demonstrating the use of equipment in the surgery suite.

This dog in surgery made me do a double take when I walked by it for the first time. I saw the animal and couldn’t figure out why there wasn’t anyone in there with the animal to monitor anesthesia and why Dr Holt wasn’t anywhere in sight. It made a lot more sense when I realized what was up.

Some very nice "feral" cats demonstrating the use of our live traps in the feral cat room. And another volunteer showing the use of the recovery mat for animals just coming out of surgery.

Everyone hanging out before the open house begins. From left to right: Beth, Dr Holt, Marissa, Dr Eure (vet from Humane Alliance), Melissa (tech from Humane Alliance), Jenny, Dawn

All of our clinic staff milled around during the event to show visitors around the clinic and answer questions. It was great to get to show off the clinic and talk about what we are doing.

Just before the open house there was a VIP reception for donors to the clinic. It was so nice to be able to thank this dedicated bunch for their contributions and to show them the tangible results of their support.

Susan unveiling the donor recognition board

To kick off the main event, we honored the tradition of ribbon cutting with enormous scissors.

Susan preparing to officially usher in our shelter's era of high volume, high quality spay and neuter services for our community's animals

During the three hour event over 100 people visited us, ate munchies, toured the clinic and got to meet our staff. I’m not sure how many people actually attended since I’m not good at estimating crowds and since people dropped in over the course of the whole event, but there were lots of people everywhere the whole time.

What an exhausting week – I may not get up before noon tomorrow. Bright and early Monday morning we get to kick off our clinic’s first real week serving our community!