Today I learned about a new dog sport – Treibball.

From the American Treibball Association’s facebook page:

Treibball, or driving ball, is a new, competitive sport for dogs of all ages, and sizes, who love to play chase games or who just love to herd. Invented in Germany a few years ago by Dutchman Jan Nijboer, the first competitive match was held in 2007. It’s great fun for any energetic dog who works well off-leash and needs a job, or one who doesn’t have sheep!

The game consists of the dog working off-leash and obeying the handler’s commands (verbal cues, whistles or hand signals) to use his nose or shoulders to drive eight balls into a net within 15 minutes. Eight fitness/gymnastic-type balls are arranged in a triangle, 20 feet out from the goal, with the point of the triangle towards the net (like in billiards).

The handler stands to the right of the goal/net, and does not step into the field. At the sound of a whistle to start timing, the owner/handler directs the dog to the farthermost ball on the right, and the dog drives that ball into the net first. Then the handler chooses which balls to bring in, in what order. The game stops when all eight balls are in the net/goal and the dog lies down in front of the goal (like penning sheep!)

Have a look…

Thinking of Julio learning this game, I imagine a smaller, bouncier version of this dog…

Maybe we have a new hobby.