Before I get to this morning’s news, I’ll start with last night’s.

Yesterday evening Trent was upstairs working/playing on his computer while I was downstairs cleaning the house. Trent has been using his laptop downstairs for most of this week so he could be with Romeo. But when I’m home, it’s like there is a babysitter and Trent can go have Trent time.

Apparently Romeo had enough of my whirlwind of activity and decided to see what Trent was up to. I found him at the foot of the stairs contemplating how to go see his Trent. I couldn’t envision this going well, so I got Romeo settled on the couch. This was the first time since surgery that Romeo even ventured near the stairs.

I can see Romeo learning how to go up stairs but have a very hard time imagining how he would get down. For now he’s a downstairs dog.

So back to this morning… This morning’s routine was similar to all recent mornings. Feed dogs. Dogs outside to potty. Dogs back to bed. Fix Romeo’s meds. Serve meds to Romeo while he lounges on the couch or bed.

This morning was normal until it was time to prepare Romeo’s meds. All of the animals now know that the sound of pill bottles equals canned dog food. The crowd of animals surrounding me while scooping wet food has grown over the last week. The surprise of the morning was that today that crowd included Romeo. He got up off the couch to join all the other dogs and cats. He even sat and begged for his wet food with magical medicine in the middle.

When the feeding frenzy was done all the animals dispersed. Except for Romeo who laid down where he was for a few minutes before eventually making his way back to his couch.

If Romeo is getting back to his normal self, we may have to start putting the baby gate back across the kitchen. There have been some advantages of his limited mobility, but those days apparently aren’t going to last.