Romeo had a mostly mellow day today. Trent said that Romeo spent even more of today sleeping. I think yesterday’s backyard adventures and this morning’s wake up call were exhausting.

The unexpected excitement of this morning interrupted everyone’s sleep. At 6am our next door neighbor’s house was raided by the SWAT team. We were awakened by the flashbang used when the police entered the house. The light, the loud boom, and the leaping Great Dane who landed on me brought an end to my morning of sleeping in. At least Romeo didn’t seem bothered by the police who were next door for most of the morning.

We all took a nap after the initial commotion and then began the morning routine.

Today’s bandaging wasn’t as gracefully completed as yesterday’s but we managed. Today’s bandage was blue, the last of the colors I bought. Starting tomorrow Romeo will have to repeat a color. And with only six rolls of vet wrap in reserve it’s time to head to Wilco for more.

After removing the old bandage, I got to have a close look at Romeo’s incision and finally count his staples. How many did you guess? I was way off. I know he’s a big dog and he has a big incision, but I wouldn’t have guessed that he had 83 staples!?! Those are going to take a while to remove.

His incision still looks amazing and just because I’m so happy with it, I’m posting another incision pic at the end of this post. Don’t scroll all the way down if you want to skip it :)

Today’s milestones:

  • As mentioned above, the flying leap onto the bed.
  • Romeo held himself up for a full 55 seconds while he peed. He didn’t do his previous trick of slowly lowering into practically a sitting position while peeing. This dog can pee forever.
  • He finally pooed! After eating normally since coming home and not pooping since he’s been home, this was a big accomplishment. And he managed not to fall over while squatting.
  • He is starting to get some of his personality back. This evening he demanded to be covered with a blanket before he would settle.
  • Julio started to lick one of Romeo’s eyes this evening. Along with ear cleaning, this is a normal ritual for them but Julio hadn’t done it since Romeo got back from the vet’s.

So overall, I’m thrilled with how well Romeo is doing and can’t wait to see what he does next.

As promised/forewarned, here is Romeo’s incision 4 days after surgery:









