As we are contemplating life with a three legged Great Dane, some adjustments to our house will be necessary.

For years our bedroom has been upstairs. But with the prospect of Romeo having to try to figure out how to maneuver on three legs, we thought upstairs wasn’t a good idea for a while.

We decided to move into the room downstairs that is usually reserved for my foster cats, which also serves as Julio’s room while we are gone at work for the day. The timing worked out since I only had one foster cat* at the time and he had just gotten over his cold and was ready to go back to the shelter for adoption. We figured Julio wouldn’t mind having a real bed in his room, so we tackled the swap.

We spent Saturday rearranging furniture and setting up our new bedroom. We left the bed frame upstairs since the mattress on the floor will be more convenient for Romeo – plus it was one less thing to move and set up. Romeo isn’t allowed to sleep in bed at night since this results in no sleep for us as we are pushed off the bed or pummeled when Romeo kicks in his sleep, but he does like to hang out on the bed at other times and we wanted it to be easy for him to get comfy.

When our room was upstairs, the bed only got sunlight in the early morning. Now it gets lots of afternoon sun and all of the animals are enjoying it. On Sunday afternoon while Trent was home with the dogs he caught this lounging going on.

I think the dogs approve of the move.

*Phat Boy is available for adoption got adopted!