This evening Trent and I went to Wine & Whiskers, Heartland’s fundraising auction. It’s always nice to go to an event like this when you haven’t had to work for the past many months to pull it together and don’t even have to work that evening and can just enjoy the socializing and yummy food. Of course it is always nice to see all the Corvallis folks again – catching up with coworkers, volunteers, foster families, and community members.
The Heartland folks did a really nice job this year. The silent auction tables looked very pretty and there were lots of great things to bid on.
I ended up in a bidding war with several people for my favorite piece of cat art. But in the last seconds before the table closed, I got the last bid.
I didn’t realize until halfway through bidding that this was painted by Brittany’s foster kittens. Brittany, your foster babies are very talented!
It took me two auctions, but I finally got the bookends I fell in love with at the last Wine & Whiskers. I was outbid on these last year, but lucky for me they got donated back to the auction for this year’s event.
I just loved how fun these were. Plus they’re very sturdy and therefore very practical. (Hear that, Trent? Practical. Worth every penny.)
It felt sort of weird to go to an auction to buy things when I just spent a good portion of my weekend getting rid of stuff that has been cluttering up our house. But bookends are useful, and it’s not like we’re getting rid of our books. And art is art, whether or not it’s done by a cat. There’s always some extra wall space somewhere!
What a fun evening! A great end to the weekend. Back to work in the morning. Looks like my foster kitty Ariel is still there. I’ll have to go say hi to her when I get there.