I learned a new word today, but found out that I had already been using it. For years I have called Alice, my ex-foster dog and now my mom’s loyal companion, a “pwetty wittle pibble” not knowing that pibble is actually used as a cute name for pit bulls. So of course I had to search for pibble stuff online and found fun things at Cafe Press. I found a t-shirt I want, but loved this too…
I’m hanging out at my parent’s house this weekend and enjoying spending time with their pibbles.
Alice was my foster for over a year when I worked at Heartland and was then adopted by my parents. She’s so pretty:

Cute thing! The scar on her forehead is from an abscess she had as a puppy - don't worry, nothing traumatic for this pampered girl :)
We adopted Rose from my current shelter before I had any idea I’d be working there. At the time it was Humane Society of the Willamette Valley and had a satellite adoption center at the mall. On impulse my mom, my sister and I had a look around while visiting the mall one weekend during my freshman year of college and found an adorable 8 week old puppy named Rose. Now Rose is almost 12 years old and still a wonderful girl!
Strangely enough, I learned years later that my boss at Heartland had been Rose’s foster mom briefly. It took us a long time working together before we even realized this connection. Small world!