Today was the first surgery day in our clinic! I wanted to share a few quick highlights of our great day…

Here's our suite before it saw its first surgery this morning

The calm before the excitement begins

Cutest surgery patients EVER! A litter of 3 Golden mixes and a litter of 3 Chis

Pre surgery check ups

Puppies on pre meds... much mellower :)

Jessi & Charlotte helping out while waiting for the day to get rolling

Sprite the Chi, our first surgery

We had quite a crowd this morning to help celebrate our clinic's first day. We've been waiting years to see this happen!

Eager onlookers

Dr H spaying Sprite

Sprite thinking about waking up

Sprite's brother Buffalo getting his turn

Gotta love WHS volunteers! Autumn stopped by to say hi and ended up working with Jenny on data entry... Autumn showed Jenny PetPoint and Jenny showed Autumn the clinic software.

We did 9 surgeries today and have many more scheduled for this week. It is great having Humane Alliance’s staff here with us as we settle into our groove and figure out the details of our clinic.

Looking forward to tomorrow!